Statistical Process Improvement



Analyze More Data

In each of the follow questions, first decide which method of analysis is appropriate and then create a control chart.  If multiple methods are appropriate conduct the analysis in two different ways and select the method that produces the tightest control limits (smallest difference).  Data►  Which chart?►

1.   A diabetes patient has recorded the following hemoglobin levels: 

Day Hemoglobin A1C levels 
1 6.7
2 7
3 7.1
4 6.5
5 6.6
6 7
7 6.5
8 8
9 6.4

Is the patients hemoglobin A1C level in the last day statistically different from remaining days?  Please note that to answer this question you need to calculate the control limit from the prior time periods and extend it to the last day.  Then visually you can compare the observation in the last day to the projected control limit.


2.  A patients exercise levels in the past two weeks are as follows:

Day Exercise
1 No
2 Yes
3 No
4 Yes
5 Yes
6 No
7 No
8 No
9 No 
10 Yes
11 No
12 Yes
13 No
14 No

If the patient is not expected to exercise in the weekend (days 6-7 and days 13-14), has this patients' pattern of exercising changed?  To answer this question correctly you need to include only the days in which the patient planned to exercise in the analysis.


3.  A patient's expected and actual exercise times are given below:

Week Exercise time Expected exercise time
1 30 15
2 15 20
3 25 25
4 30 30
5 40 35
6 25 40
7 50 45
8 60 50

Has this patient kept pace with his expected exercise program?  HINT:  One way to analyze problems in which both expected and actual time are available is to take the difference of the two and make a control chart for the difference.


4. Following data were obtained on post surgical infections.  Are we having more infections than expected from the patients' conditions?

Week Risk of infection for each patient Number infected
1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.85 6
2 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.9 5
3 0.8 0.95 0.92 0.87     4
4 0.5 0.6 0.66 0.67     3
5 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.34 2
6 0.3 0.4 0.5       1


5.  Following data show the time from telling the patient that he is going to be discharged to the patient actually leaving the hospital.  In each time period, five different randomly selected patients were selected.   Have we improved?  Using the information from before and during QI intervention, examine if after the QI intervention the change has led to statistically significant improvements.

Time to Discharge in Minutes for 5 different patients in each time period
2nd patient 3rd
Before QI intervention 90 80 90 80 85
During QI intervention 80 75 82 75 70
After QI intervention 75 82 70 65 60

6.  Following data were obtained regarding waiting time in a clinic before and after allowing patients to walk-in without appointments.  Has the change increased the wait time of patients who had appointments?

Before walk-ins After walk-ins
Patient Number Wait time Patient number Wait time
1 5 11 20
2 10 12 2
3 6 13 5
4 9 14 30
5 8 15 80
6 8 16 5
7 5 17 6
8 89 18 35
9 10 19 4
10 11 20 5
  21 9
  22 20
  23 12
  24 18
  25 18

Use at least two different charting techniques and select the chart with tightest control limits (smallest difference of upper and lower control limit) to make your interpretation. 

Grading Rubric

  1. Correct answers are needed for each chart.  An error in any chart will constitute 20% of the grade. 
  2. All values must be computed as a formula except the data provided above.  It should be possible to change the data and the graph should change.  Submitting a file that does not do this will be counted as error in analysis.  This means that you may have to use if, count, average, median and other functions.  Do not under any circumstance enter the result of the calculation by hand.
  3. Inappropriate displays will lose 10% of the grade for the chart, this means the following:
    1. All lines must have a legend or have a label.  No lines should be labeled "Series 1".
    2. The UCL and LCL should be drawn as red lines with no markers.
    3. Observations must be drawn with markers connected with a line (not red).
    4. X- and Y-axis should be labeled.
    5. There should not be any spelling errors anywhere in the chart.
    6. All charts must be shown in the same file, each chart should be in a separate sheet.  Do not submit multiple files.  Label worksheets.  There should be 6 worksheets in your file.