George Mason University
Process Improvement

Learn One, Do One, Teach One

This is the rubric used to correct selected questions in the assignment on XmR charts. 


Corrections are need if any of the following is present:

  1. The chart includes un-named labels such as "Series 1" and "Series 2."
  2. The markers in the control line were not removed.
  3. The chart does not have a title
  4. The X-axis does not have a title
  5. The Y-axis does not have a title
  6. The chart is not easy to find.
  7. The questions were answered in two separate files
  8. The questions were answered in the same worksheet
  9. Colors used in the chart and in the cell values, do not help in understanding of the work
  10. Except for the data, all cell values should be calculated as a formula.  Make sure that the moving range is calculated by formula.  Make sure that the control limits are calculated by formula.  If this is not the case, it is very important that you point this out.  You should be able to change a data value and all calculations should change automatically.


In response to the question one, note that the average and control limits are set correctly.  Note that because maximum upper control limit is 100, that the calculated value should be reset to 100.. 


The clinic has not improved over time.  Here is how the chart looks like:


In response to the question two, note the moving range values and that the negative lower control limit is not possible and should be reset to zero.    


The chart should look like this:


No time periods are out of control


In response to question 3, note the calculation of moving range and the calculations of control limits:



This patient's diabetes is not  in control in at least one occasion

Suggestions for Improvements

I hope this has been helpful.  

Copyright © 1996 Farrokh Alemi, Ph.D. Most recent revision 09/04/2008.  This page is part of the course on Quality/Process Improvement.