George Mason University
Statistical Process Improvement

Thank You

Thank you for submitting your answers to the "What do you know?" section for Psychology of Change.   We have received it and will grade it and write to you. 

Correct Responses

Here are my responses to the same questions:

  1. What strategies are used at your work to encourage change.  What does your manager do to encourage you to change?  Make a numbered list. List at least 5 things your manager does.

    Any response to this question will be acceptable.
  1. Compare your list to strategies suggested in the lecture and list what strategies can be used but are not used often to encourage change. 

    Following items should be listed if the item is not mentioned in response to question one:  (1) Appealing to the employee's self Interest (2) Helping the employee understand through better communication, (3) Explaining the reasons for the action requested, (4) Changing work norms, (6) Gathering employees to discuss their issues and learn coping strategies from each other, (7) Identifying early adopters and helping them to change others, (8) Improving work experiences and relationship among employees, (9) Using mass media to repeatedly put an agenda item in front of employees, (10) Redoing the technology. 
  1. Given the material you have reviewed, what do you need to help you keep your personal resolutions?  Refer to specific material in the lecture.

    Almost any response to this question is acceptable.  But I was particularly looking for any one of the following:  (1) Gathering information on what is best for me (2) Being clear about my objectives, (3) Attributing success to myself and failure to triggers in the environment, (4) Changing daily routines, (6) Organizing support groups or engaging process owners, (7) Learning from success of others, (8) Working on my relationships, (9) Using mass media (e.g.. audio or video of myself before starting) to remind myself, (10) Changing the physical environment. 

Copyright © 1996 Farrokh Alemi, Ph.D. Created on Saturday, September 21, 1996. Most recent revision Wednesday, October 30, 1996 7:27:25 AM.  This page is part of the course on Quality / Process Improvement.