Midterm Exam



  1. Answer all questions.

  2. All multiple answers have only one correct answer

  3. All questions refer to material contained in the lectures and the exercises

  4. In order to answer the questions you can use any resource of your preference (e.g., notes, books, web-sites) EXCEPT another human being.

  5. Answer every question.  There is no penalty for guessing.

  6. Check back this page to read answers to questions asked by you or others.

  7. Print this document and answer the questions and return it to Alemi in Robinson B421.  Alternatively copy this file into word.  Please name your attachment <YourName-Midterm-HCSI-709.doc> and send it to hsci709@gmu.edu and hsci709@gmu.edu

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Section 1—Use Cases

Question #001

Which of the following statements is most correct:

(A)  A Use Case is only a diagram consisting of actors, ovals with text inside them and lines, which can be automatically generated by so-called CASE tools such as Rational Rose or Enterprise Architect.

(B)  A Use Case is only a diagram consisting of actors, ovals with text inside them, and lines connecting the actors to the ovals which can be leveraged by intelligent agents used in the Ontology Web Language to provide decision support in mission-critical applications

(C)  A Use Case is a formal description of an interaction between the actors and the system that is modeled from the point of view of the actors

(D)  A Use Case is a formal description of an interaction between the actors and the system that is modeled from the point of view of the actors, together with the exchange of messages between the actor and the system; what the system does to provide the value to the actor, and the possible variants from the usual exchange, including errors, exceptional behavior and conditional behavior

(E)  A Use Case is the name of a mathematical methodology pioneered by Ivar Jacobson, one of the three creators of the Unified Modeling Language, or UML and used by among others, NASA to track satellites and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to develop the Knowledge Web



Question #002

Which of the following statements is most correct:

(A)  Use Cases describe which fields should be included in the database

(B)  Use Cases describe how the system creates reports to various actors

(C)  Same use case can be part of two scenarios, if the scenarios focus on unrelated decisions

(D)  Use Cases are always written from the view point of the actor. 

(E) None of the above



Question #003

Which of the following statements is most correct:

  1. In a Use Case actors can be categorized as follows: (1) Principal Actors, (2) Secondary Actors, (3) Tertiary or Ternary actors and (4) Quadratic or Quaternary actors.

  2. In a Use Case actors can be categorized as follows: (1) Principal Actors, (2) Secondary Actors, (3) Internal Software and (4) Hardware.

  3. In a Use Case actors can be categorized as follows: (1) Principal Actors, (2) Deputy Principal Actors, (c) the External Hardware and (d) External Systems

  4. In a Use Case actors can be categorized as follows: (1) Principal Actors, (2) Supplementary Actors, (c) the External Hardware and (d) External Systems

  5. Actors can be categorized as follows: (a) Principal Actors, (b) the Secondary Actors, (c) the External Hardware and (d) External Systems.



Question #004

You are analyzing a Use Case written for a system.  The Use Case identifies two actors, the PATIENT and the IT-ADMINISTRATOR.  Which of the following statements is most accurate:

(A)  The PATIENT could be considered a Principal Actor if it interacts with the system and its various functionalities.

(B)  The PATIENT could not be considered a Principal Actor because it interacts with the system and its various functionalities

(C)  The PATIENT must always be considered a Principal Actor because it will most likely interact with the system and its various functionalities

(D)  The PATIENT and the IT-ADMINISTRATOR could be considered Principals Actors because the PATIENT interacts with the system and its various functionalities and the IT-ADMISTRATOR performs vital administrative and maintenance functions with respect to the system without which the system would always crash

(E)  The PATIENT could never be considered a Principal Actor because it interacts with the system and its various functionalities



Question #005

Which of the following statements is most accurate:

(A)  A Use Case makes sense only within a specific scenario

(B) A scenario makes sense only if it is focused on decisions.

(C) Information exchange in a Use Case tells us what fields are needed in the database.

(D) None of the above

(E) All of the above



Question #006

You are documenting a use case for an on-line system whose principal actor is the PATIENT.  Which of the following statements is most accurate:

(A)  For the Information Exchanges it is more than enough to state that the PATIENT will provide pertinent information as prompted by the system

(B)  For the Information Exchanges it is more than enough to state that the PATIENT will provide stuff as prompted by the system

(C)  For the Information Exchanges it is more than enough to state that the PATIENT will provide name and address as prompted by the system

(D)  For the Information Exchanges it is mandatory to state that the PATIENT will provide his first name, last name, street name, street number, city, state, and ZIP code as prompted by the system

(E)  For the Information Exchanges it is recommended to state that the PATIENT will provide his first name, last name, street name, street number, city, state, and ZIP code if that is what the system requests



Question #007

Which of the following statements is most accurate.  A detailed documentation of the information exchanges is most important because:

(A)  It forms the basis of the system's GUI development

(B)  It forms the basis of the system's business layer, which is likely to be written in C++ or Java

(C)  It forms the basis of the system's data classes

(D)  It forms the basis of the system's migration strategy

(E)  It forms the basis of the system's security metadata layer



Question #008

Which of the following statements is most accurate.  In the context of a Use Case a scenario is:

(A)  All possible sequences of interactions between the actor and the system

(B)  Only the first sequence of interactions between the actor and the system

(C)  Only the main sequences of interactions between the actor and the system

(D)  A bundled sequence of interactions between the actor and the system

(E)  A scenario is a larger concept than Use case and it does not make sense to review a scenario in the context of a specific Use Case



Question #009

Which of the following statements is most accurate.  In a graphical depiction of a Use Case the line joining the Actor and the Use Case represents a semantic relationship between:

(A)  the actor and the use case. The actor interacts with the system by passing messages to and from the use case. The association between the actor and the use case is the only way an actor can communicate with the system that is being represented by the use case

(B)  the actor and the use case. The actor interacts with the system by writing code on the GUI. The association between the actor and the use case is the only way an actor can communicate with the system that is being represented by the use case

(C)  the actor and the use case. The actor interacts with the system by passing e-mail messages. The association between the actor and the use case is the only way an actor can communicate with the system that is being represented by the use case

(D)  the actor and the use case. The actor interacts with the system by passing hand-written messages to and from the use case. The association between the actor and the use case is the only way an actor can communicate with the system that is being represented by the use case

(E)  the actor and the use case. The actor interacts with the system by passing encrypted binary streams to and from the use case. The association between the actor and the use case is the only way an actor can communicate with the system that is being represented by the use case




Question #010

Which of the following statements is most accurate.  The major weakness of Use Cases is that:

(A)  It is not possible to indicate whether an Actor can send more than one message.  In other words there is no way to express a one-to-one-or-more multiplicity for the interactions

(B)  It is not possible to indicate whether an Actor can send only one message.  In other words there is no way to express a one-to-one multiplicity for the interaction

(C)  It is not possible to indicate whether an Actor can send only three messages.  In other words there is no way to express a one-to-three multiplicity for the interaction

(D)  Only A and C but not B

(E)  None of the above



 SECTION 2—Evolution of Databases

Question #011

Which of the following statements is correct:

(A)  Flat databases are preferable to relational databases because they do not waste computer storage

(B)  Flat databases are preferable to relational databases because they do not force the user to keep information on items that logically cannot be available

(C)  Flat databases are preferable to relational databases because they do not keep large sparse data full of missing information

(D)  Flat databases are preferable to relational databases because they are conducive to complicated search queries that divide the database further

(E)  None of the above




Question #012

Which of the following statements is not correct:

(A)  In a relational database, all related data is stored as a record

(B)  In a relational database a primary key is needed to identify the content of a record

(C)  In relational databases it is often necessary to put facts not about the primary key in a separate table with a different primary key, because the facts in a table are about the primary key

(D)  In relational databases for a given table its associated tables do not need pointers to indicate their linkage because the validation rules enforce all relationships

(E)  In relational databases the primary key of any given table is always locally unique




Question #013

Which of the following statements is incorrect

(A)  Relational databases make life difficult for the designer of the database because many possible relationships must be anticipated

(B)  Relational databases are normally considered hard to modify because adding new concepts involves adding new tables, not simply altering old ones

(C)  Relational databases make life easy for the user because it is possible to avoid having to enter missing information for variables that are not logically possible

(D)  Relational databases make life easy for the user data entry and data processing speeds are higher

(E)  Relational databases make life easy for the user because data can be examined from many different perspectives




Question #014

Which of the following statements is the most accurate:

(A)  In a relational database, tables need to be of the same size but they don't need to have a key column that connects them to each other and that uniquely defines the elements inside the table

(B)  In a relational database, tables do not need to be of the same size but they all need to have a key column that connects them to each other and that uniquely defines the elements inside the table

(C)  In a relational database, tables do not need to be of the same size and they don't need to have a key column that connects them to each other and that uniquely defines the elements inside the table

(D)  A combination of A and C but not B

(E)  A combination of both A and B but not C





Question #015

Which of the following statements is most accurate:

(A)  One of the great advantages of flat tables is that you don't need a key

(B)  One of the great advantages of flat tables is that you must have a composite key

(C)  One of the great advantages of flat tables is that you need neither a composite key nor a simple key

(D)  A combination of A and C but not B

(E)  None of the above





Question #016

Which of the following statements is most accurate:

(A)  Use of flat tables is strongly discouraged because there are no cases where they do a good job

(B)  Use of flat tables is strongly discouraged because in all cases they do a good job

(C)  Use of flat tables is strongly discouraged with one exception, for a small number of cases, flat databases do a reasonably fast job

(D)  Use of flat tables is strongly discouraged because their widespread use would ruin the relational database business

(E)  A combination of B and D




Question #017

With respect to the table below which of the following statements is most accurate:

Student ID


Midterm grade

Final grade


Zip code





Ali Safaie



1311 Manor Park






Mike Smith



1619 Ozkan Street






Mike Smith Jr.



2121 Euclid 563






(A)  The column labeled Student ID cannot be the key because keys must be globally unique and in the second record the value of the ZIP code is identical to that of  the Student ID

(B)  The column labeled Student ID cannot be the key because keys must be globally unique and only in the second record is the value of the ZIP code identical to that of  the Student ID

(C)  The column labeled Student ID could be the key even tough in the second record the value of the ZIP code is identical to that of the Student ID

(D)  The column labeled Student ID could be the key provided one chooses a different value so in the second record the value of the ZIP code is not identical to that of the Student ID

(E)  A combination of A and D but not C




Question #018

With respect to the table shown in Question 017 which of the following statement is most correct:

(A)  The record with Student ID = 8954 has the ZIP code 22101 and the record with Student ID = 4561 has the the ZIP code 22101

(B)  The record with Student ID = 8954 has the ZIP code 22101 and the record with Student ID = 4561 has the the Name = Ali Safaie

(C)  The record with Student ID = 8954 has the ZIP code 22101 and the record with Student ID = 4561 has the the Final Grade = A

(D)  The record with Student ID = 8954 has the ZIP code 22101 and the record with Student ID = 22311 has the the Final Grade = A

(E)  A, B and C but not D




Question #019

Which of the following statements is most accurate:

(A)  Flat databases are specially conducive to complicated search queries that divide the database further.

(B)  Flat databases are totally conducive to complicated search queries that divide the database further.

(C)  Flat databases are eminently conducive to complicated search queries that divide the database further.

(D)  Flat databases are thoroughly conducive to complicated search queries that divide the database further.

(E)  Flat databases are not conducive to complicated search queries that divide the database further.




Question #020

Which of the following statements is most accurate:

(A)  In a relational database, the relationships among tables are always kept in a separate table.

(B)  In a relational database, the relationship between two tables is not kept visually.  It exists semantically in the mind of the designer and users of the database.

(C)  In a relational database, relationships may be kept as shared fields across two tables.

(D) In a relational database, a table is always related to itself.

(E)  A combination of A and C but not D



SECTION 3—Data Modeling (ER diagram) and Modeling Data Class Linkages

Question #021

With respect to the data class diagram below, which of the following statements is most accurate:







(A)  The name of the data class (or Entity) is Patient

(B)  The name of the data class (or Entity) is Patient and it has 5 attributes

(C)  The name of the data class (or Entity) is Patient and it has 5 attributes, namely, Patient, First-Name, Last-Name, Addess and Telephone-Number

(D)  The name of the data class (or Entity) is Patient and it has no attributes

(E)  The name of the data class (or Entity) is Patient and it has 4 attributes




Question #022

A portion of the documentation of the information model that contains the entity shown in Question 021 is shown below.

Entity Name


Entity Type


Entity Definition

A PATIENT who is treated by Megahealth Corporation.


Which of the following statements is most accurate:

(A)  The definition of the entity PATIENT is optimal because everybody knows what a patient is, so there is no need to define the obvious

(B)  The definition of the entity PATIENT is circular because it uses the term to be defined in its own definition

(C)  The definition of the entity PATIENT is circular but it is the best one can accomplished because in this day and age with so many health care providers nobody can say what a patient really is

(D)  The definition of the entity PATIENT is optimal because it is contextualized by the reference to Megahealth Corporation

(E)  All of the above







Question #023

The Figure shown below represents a graphical depiction of an information model. 


Which of the following statements is most accurate:

(A)  The information model contains three entities, namely, PERSON, FACILITY and PERSON, and in addition it shows that the entity ADMINISTRATOR has two attributes, namely, IT-Administrator and Hospital Administrator

(B)  The information model contains four entities, namely, OBJECT-ITEM, PERSON, FACILITY and PERSON, and in addition it shows that the entity ADMINISTRATOR has two attributes, namely, IT Administrator and Hospital Administrator

(C)  The information model contains eleven entities and ten subtype hierarchies

(D)  The information model contains eleven entities and ten subtype ("is-a") hierarchies

(E)  The information model contains eleven entities and the most generic data class shown in OBJECT-ITEM




Question #024

With respect to the Figure shown in Question 023 above.  Which of the following statements is most accurate:

(A)  ICU Physician is a specialization of MEDICAL-DOCTOR, which is a specialization of PERSON which is a specialization of FACILITY

(B)  ICU Physician is a specialization of MEDICAL-DOCTOR, which is a specialization of PERSON which is a specialization of MATERIEL

(C)  ICU Physician is generalized under the data class MEDICAL-DOCTOR, which is generalized under the data class PERSON which is generalized under the data class OBJECT-ITEM

(D)  Both ICU Physician and Internist are generalized under the data class MEDICAL-DOCTOR, which is generalized under the data class PERSON which is generalized under the data class OBJECT-ITEM

(E)  Only ICU Physician and Internist but not Cardiologist are generalized under the data class MEDICAL-DOCTOR, which is generalized under the data class PERSON which is generalized under the data class OBJECT-ITEM




Question #025

With respect to the Figure shown in Question 023 above.  Which of the following statements is most accurate:

(A)  The correct verb-phrase for the link originating in OBJECT-ITEM and ending in the linked entity MATERIEL is "may-be-a" because not every OBJECT-ITEM can always be said to be an instance of MATERIEL

(B)  The correct verb-phrase for the link originating in OBJECT-ITEM and ending in the linked entity MATERIEL is "is-a"

(C)  The correct verb-phrase for the link originating in OBJECT-ITEM and ending in the linked entity MATERIEL is "is-a" and the cardinality of the link is "one-to-one-or-more"

(D)  The correct verb-phrase for the link originating in OBJECT-ITEM and ending in the linked entity MATERIEL is "is-a" and the cardinality of the link is "one-to-zero-or-one"

(E) A and D but not B




Question #026

With respect to the Figure shown in Question 023 above.  Which of the following statements is most accurate:

(A)  In order to navigate from OBJECT-ITEM to one of its subtypes there should be an attribute in OBJECT-ITEM, e.g, Category-Code, and its metadata could contain the following Contraint: Enumeration(MATERIEL, MEDICAL-DOCTOR, PERSON)

(B)  In order to navigate from OBJECT-ITEM to one of its subtypes there should be an attribute in OBJECT-ITEM, e.g, Category-Code, and its metadata must contain the following Contraint: Enumeration(FACILITY, PERSON, MATERIEL, MEDICAL-DOCTOR, ADMINISTRATOR, IT ADMINISTRATOR, HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATOR, ICU PHYSICIAN, INTERNIST, CARDIOLOGIST)

(C)  In order to navigate from OBJECT-ITEM to one of its subtypes there should be an attribute in OBJECT-ITEM, e.g, Category-Code, and its metadata must contain the following Contraint: Enumeration(MATERIEL, MEDICAL-DOCTOR, ADMINISTRATOR, PERSON)

(D)  In order to navigate from OBJECT-ITEM to one of its subtypes there should be an attribute in OBJECT-ITEM, e.g, Category-Code, and its metadata could contain the following Contraint: Enumeration(MATERIEL, FACILITY, PERSON)

(E)  The combination of B and C but not A






 Question #027

The Figure shown below represents a graphical depiction of an information model. Which of the following statements is most accurate:

Which of the following statements is most accurate:


(B)  The proper supertype of BLOOD-LAB-FACILITY is MEDICAL-FACILITY-ASSOCIATION, because it is above MEDICAL-FACILITY and the more general classes are always depicted above their specializations.

(C)  The proper supertype of BLOOD-LAB-FACILITY is FACILITY, because it is above MEDICAL-FACILITY-ASSOCIATION and the more general classes are always depicted above their specializations.

(D)  The information model is incomplete because it does not have a double associative entity for either FACILITY or OBJECT-ITEM

(E)  None of the above




Question #028

With respect to the Figure shown in Question 027 above and based on the materials covered in the course.  Which of the following statements is most accurate:

A proper definition for MEDICAL-FACILITY-ASSOCIATION, is:

(A)  A formal organization consisting of hospitals, radiology centers, orthodontists, orthopedics and serologists chartered under the laws of the state of Virginia.

(B)  A formal organization chartered under the laws of the state of Virginia whose members are instances of HOSPITAL-FACILITY, MRI-FACILITY, ORTHODONTICS-FACILITY, BLOOD-LAB-FACILITY and ORTHOPEDICS-FACILITY .

(C)  A relationship of an instance of HOSPITAL-FACILITY as the ordinate with another instance of MEDICAL-FACILITY as the subordinate that specifies a particular kind of dependence between them.

(D)  A relationship of an instance of HOSPITAL-FACILITY as the ordinate with another instance of MRI-FACILITY as the subordinate that specifies a particular kind of dependence between them.

(E)  A relationship of an instance of MEDICAL-FACILITY as the ordinate with another instance of MEDICAL-FACILITY as the subordinate that specifies a particular kind of dependence between them.




Question #029

With respect to the Figure shown in Question 027 above and based on the materials covered in the course.  Which of the following statements is most accurate:

A proper definition for OBJECT-ITEM, is:

(A)  An OBJECT-ITEM of interest to Megahealth Corporation

(B)  A thing.  Basically, anything,  as long as it can be identified with a card reader.

(C)  A supertype.  Its subtypes are PERSON, MATERIEL, and FACILITY

(D)  An individually identifiable instance that forms an element of, or constitutes the subject matter of our medical system.  Note:  Instances of OBJECT-ITEM can be persons, facilities, or materiel.

(E)  Either A or B but not C




Question #030

The Figure shown below represents a graphical depiction of an information model.  Based on the materials covered in the course. 

If the attribute Assoc-Type-Code in the entity Medical-Facility-Assn is defined as:

The alpha-numeric string that represents the kind of MEDICAL-FACILITY-ASSOCIATION

Which of the following statements is most accurate:


(A)  The attribute must be used for navigating from MEDICAL-FACILITY to MRI-FACILITY.

(B)  The attribute could be use to state how one Hospital relates to a particular Orthopedics Clinic.

(C)  The attribute must be used for navigating from HOSPITAL-FACILITY to MRI-FACILITY.

(D)  A combination of A and C but not B

(E)  A combination of A be and C





Question #031

With respect to the Figure shown in Question 030 above and based on the materials covered in the course. 

If the attribute Effective-Begin-Date is defined as:

The chronological datum in a calendar when a MEDICAL-FACILITY-ASSOCIATION begins

And if the attribute Effective-End-Date is defined as:

The chronological datum in a calendar when a MEDICAL-FACILITY-ASSOCIATION stops

Which of the following statements is most accurate:

(A)  The MEDICAL-FACILITY-ASSOCIATION could be used to capture only the beginning and end of the association between a hospital and any instance of MRI-FACILITY

(B)  The MEDICAL-FACILITY-ASSOCIATION could be used to capture only the beginning and end of the association between a hospital and any instance of MRI-FACILITY or BLOOD-LAB-FACILITY

(C)  The MEDICAL-FACILITY-ASSOCIATION could be used to capture only the beginning and end of the association between a hospital and any instance of  the five subtypes of MEDICAL-FACILITY

(D)  The MEDICAL-FACILITY-ASSOCIATION could be used to capture only the beginning and end of the association between a hospital and any person working in a MEDICAL-FACILITY

(E)  The combination of C and D but not A




Question #032

With respect to the Figure shown in Question 030 above and based on the materials covered in the course:

Which of the following statements is most accurate:

(A)  One of the attributes of Medical-Facility is Facility-Address

(B)  It is possible to assign a Street-Name, Street-Number, City, State and ZIP Code to instances of Hospital-Facility

(C)  It is possible to assign a Street-Name, Street-Number, City, State and ZIP Code to instances of MRI-Facility

(D)  It is possible to assign a Street-Name, Street-Number, City, State and ZIP Code to instances of personnel working at a hospital

(E)  A combination of B and C but not A




Question #033

With respect to the Figure shown in Question 030 above, assume that the attribute State in the entity Facility-Address is documented as follows. 

Entity Attribute Name


Entity Attribute Definition

The code that represents one of the 50 political subdivisions of the United States of America, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, or any other territory or possession of the United States

Entity Attribute Metadata

Logical Data Type:  String

Constraints:  Enumeration:(AL, AK, AS, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FM, FL, GA, GU, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MH, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, MP, OH, OK, OR, PW, PA, PR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VI, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY)

Using the table below:









Elm Drive





Oak Road




Which of the following statements is most accurate:

(A)  The record containing the entry for State = ZU is valid because enumerations are only precatory and one can always extend them anyways

(B)  The record containing the entry for State = ZU is valid because one must always assume that enumerations are incomplete and only the user can decide what is needed

(C)  The record containing the entry for State = ZU would be valid even if the enumeration were not modified to contain that value

(D)  The record containing the entry for State = ZU would be valid if the enumeration were modified to contain that value

(E)  The combination of A, B and C but not D




Question #034

Assume that the table below corresponds to the entity Medical-Facility as specified in the information model depicted in Question 030 above.




Northern Chelsea IntroX


Devonshire Med Center


Sanguine Labs of New Jersey



Which of the following statements is most accurate:

(A)  The record for the instance of Medical-Facility named Northern Chelsea IntroX is definitely an MRI-Facility because the name clearly says so (it has a capital X and everybody knows that X stands for X-Rays in medical lingo).

(B)  The record for the instance of Medical-Facility named Northern Chelsea IntroX may be an MRI-Facility if the Category-Code value "MF01" is set equal to "MRI-Facility".

(C)  The record for the instance of Medical-Facility named Northern Chelsea IntroX may be an MRI-Facility if either the Category-Code value "MF01" is set equal to "Blood-Lab-Facility" or the value "MF02" is set equal to "MRI-Facility".

(D)  A combination of A and C but not B

(E)  All of the above



Question #035

Assume that the attribute Category-Code in the entity Medical-Facility (See information model depicted in Question 030) is  specified as follows.

Entity Attribute Name


Entity Attribute Definition

An alpha-numeric string that indicates the kind of MEDICAL-FACILITY

Entity Attribute Metadata

Logical Data Type:  String

Constraints:  Enumeration:(Hospital-Facility, MRI-Facility, Orthopedics-Facility, Orthodontics-Facility, Blood-Lab-Facility)


Which of the following statements is most accurate.

An instance of Medical-Facility named "XanadoX Center" could be typed as an "X-Ray-Facility" if

(A)  the appropriate value in the enumeration is added

(B)  one uses the enumeration value "MRI-Facility" because they are both radiological centers

(C)  if the value is set to NULL

(D)  if the value is set to NOS (Not-otherwise-specified) or UKN (Unknown)

(E)  A combination of Band D but not A





Section 5: Relationships and Primary Keys


Question 36:  ER Models are useful because they:

  1. Allow us to create efficient databases that are not full of logically missing data or require repetition of data in each record.

  2. Allow us to draw relationships between persistent data.

  3. Allow programmers to bypass database development using SQL code.

  4. A&B

  5. A only.



Question 37:  Which of the following could be an entity in a clinical database:

  1. Physician

  2. Patient

  3. Department

  4. A only

  5. All of the above




Question 38:  Primary keys are:

  1. Not required to be unique.

  2. All facts in the table are about the primary key.

  3. Are always required to be combination of at least two fields.

  4. All of the above

  5. None of the above





Question 39:  Which of the following is correct:

  1. Attributes are characteristics of entities

  2. Once you have a primary key, all other attributes are useless.

  3. An entity can have many attributes with same name.

  4. All of the above.




Question 40:  Which of the following is not correct:

  1. Foreign keys conflict with Primary Keys

  2. Foreign keys are needed in a relationship to enforce referential integrity.

  3. Foreign keys are always the same data type as their corresponding Primary Keys.

  4. Foreign keys can be used in one table to look up data from another table.




Question 41:  An advantage of using ‘Referential Integrity’ is that:

  1. One can avoid mismatched data

  2. Your database will not have ‘orphan’ records, in other words children without parents.

  3. Making a change in one table will prevent changes in corresponding tables.

  4. A&B

  5. All of the above





Question 42:  Which one of the following would be the best solution to use if you had “Many to Many” relationships?

  1. Numerical fields

  2. Data fields

  3. Primary Keys

  4. Junction Tables

  5. Table Joins




Question 43:  In which table would a person find primary keys from more than one table?

  1. Sub Table

  2. Super Table

  3. Junction Table

  4. Foreign Table

  5. Primary Table




Question 44:  In Microsoft Access, a field is equivalent to ________ in our ER model.

  1. Name

  2. Table

  3. Attribute

  4. Keys

  5. None of the above





Section 6: Entities and Attributes


Question 45:  Which one of the following would not be an acceptable value if the data type of our field is “Auto-Number.”

  1. 100

  2. 02

  3. 5A9

  4. 5

  5. None of the above




Question 46:  Can we have an attribute other than primary key from Patient table in the Visit table? (Choose one correct response)

a.       No, Patient attributes can only be in the Patient table.

b.      Yes, if foreign keys and correct relationship exist.

c.       Yes, but only if the patient is being seen by the same doctor every time.

d.      Yes, because patients have only one doctor.

e.       No because sometimes Patient visit is incomplete.





Question 47:  Which of the following values would not be rejected by MS Access in a text field with maximum value of 2?

a.       V A

b.      MD

c.       Mrs.

d.      C&B

e.       121




Question 48:  In MS Access, which one of the following is not an acceptable field name?

a.      DateOfAdmission

b.      First_Name

c.       Phone

d.      ZipCode

e.    None of the above





Question 49:  If you select an auto-number for the primary key:

a.      There will be no duplicates in primary key

b.      The primary key cannot be related to a non-numeric entity such as name of a person

c.       A different field that contains the meaning of the the numbers must accompany the table

d.      All of the above

e.       B&C





Question 50:  One of the purposes of creating relationships between tables is to:

a.       Allow families of records to have the same last name.

b.      Find the meaning of a numeric primary key.

c.       Trace information pertaining to one record from one table to another.

d.      Allow two tables to have the same facts.

e.       All of the above





Question 51:  MS Access allows us to create joins between tables where:

a.       The value of the field is present in both tables.

b.      The field has a value in one table and a corresponding ‘null’ in the other table.

c.       Only a

d.      Only b

e.       Both A&B





Section 7: Normalization of Databases


Question 51:  Good database design requires:

a.      Present data in the sequence collected so that it is convenient to use it.

b.      Non-key fields should be facts about the foreign key.

c.     Primary key should uniquely identify the individual occurrences of the entity or relationship

d.      A&B

e.       None of the above.




Question 52:  When a table is in First Normal Form, (1NF):

a.       Fields consist of atomic data

b.      Fields are repeated in a row.

c.       A&B

d.      Both A&B

e.       None of the above





Question 53:  If knowing Physician Name is enough for knowing Physician ID, then which one of the following statements is true:

  1. Physician Name is functionally dependent on Physician ID

  2. Both are functionally independent of each other

  3. Physician ID is functionally dependent on Physician Name

  4. Physician ID is the primary key

  5. A&D





Question 54:  If the field, ‘Employee_Name’ is fully functionally dependent on the field ‘Employee_Number’ then which one of the following statements is not correct:

  1. Given an employee name we can find the employee number

  2. Given an employee number we can find the employee name

  3. A only

  4. A&B

  5. Neither A or B is correct.





Question 55:  When we talk about tables in Second Normal Form, we can say that:

  1. A foreign key is always the same as the primary key.

  2. The primary key is the minimum subset necessary to determine each fact in the table.

  3. The last two fields will always depend on the concatenated primary key.

  4. B&C

  5. All of the above.





Question 56:  Which of the following are good rules of design for normalization:

  1. Each table should refer to multiple entities

  2. Composite or repeating fields should always be used.

  3. The primary key should uniquely identify the entity.

  4. A&B

  5. All of the above





Question 57:  A good database designer might not put the field ‘Visit_Date’ in the Patient table because:

  1. Date fields are never put in a Patient table.

  2. The field Visit_Date might not depend on the primary key of the Patient table.

  3. The field Visit_Date will expire after 7 days, leaving orphan data in the database.

  4. C only

  5. A&B only




Section 8: Queries


Question 58:  Query commands are written in which of the following languages:

  1. SQL

  2. C&*

  3. Oracle

  4. MS Access

  5. All of the above




Question 59:  Queries are helpful in the following ways:

  1. They help us to quickly retrieve specific information from databases of any size and across many tables.

  2. They allow us to bypass normalization rules.

  3. B only

  4. They allow us to update, append and delete data.

  5. A&D





Question 60:  Queries can be used to extract data about the following:

  1. People

  2. Places

  3. Tables

  4. Fields

  5. All of the above





Question 61:  Querying a join relationship is advantageous because:

  1. SQL does not have a feature to query join relationships.

  2. This type of query can provide data about related fields in more than one table.

  3. Dependency between primary keys is broken.

  4. We can examine parents of a table.

  5. None of the above.




Question 62:  Which type of query would be best for adding new data to an existing list?

  1. Select

  2. Delete

  3. Append

  4. Make

  5. Crosstab




Question 62:  In a relational database containing a table about the alumni of the University, which of the following types of query would allow you to view the records for alumni of Health System Management program:

  1. Crosstab

  2. Select

  3. Append

  4. Update

  5. None of the above




Question 63:  We want to query our database to display only those records where a patient is assigned a physician. Which of the following joins would allow us to do this?

  1. One-to-Many

  2. One-to-One

  3. Many-to-One

  4. Twice-as-Many

  5. A&D





Question 64:  The following tactic could be used to limit our search results to dates that occur only the year 2005.

  1. Providing a filter criterion in our query.

  2. Deleting all records in our database that occur in the year 2001.

  3. Removing all foreign key references.

  4. A&B

  5. None of the above.





Section 9: More from Queries


Question 65:  In following figure, which of the following statements is correct:

a) The ID field is an auto-number and therefore the same number in the three tables
b) Patient’s name should be also in the Encounter table
c) In this query, it is not possible to find out the patients of a provider
d) The ID fields in the three table should be joined together so that each record is appropriately selected
e) None of the above



Question 66:  In the above figure, which of the following is correct:
a) In this query , there may be many providers for the same patient in this query
b) In this query, every provider must have only one patient
c) In this query, every patient must have only one provider
d) In this query, a provider may have no visits but still be available in the query
e) In this query, a patient may have no visits but still be available in the query




Question 67:  In the above figure, which of the following is correct?

a) Diagnosis is a fact about the patient and should be in the patient table
b) Telephone field is repeated and therefore in error
c) Date field is not needed in the encounter table
d) City could be fully functionally dependent on zip code and therefore can be removed from Patient table
e) None of the above



Question 68:  In the above figure in the table Encounter, which of the following is not true:
a) PatientID is the primary key
b) PatientID is foreign key
c) ProviderID is foreign key
d) Diagnosis is a fact
e) Date is not text



Question 69:  In the above figure, which of the following is correct?
a) The  number of records in the encounter table can exceed the number of records in the patient table
b) Providers must be fewer than patients
c) The number of encounters cannot exceed the number of patients times the number of providers
d) None of the above
e) All of the above



Question 70:  When a patient is admitted to a hospital, typically a primary diagnosis and 5 other diagnoses are kept about the visit.  This information was collected in a table with following fields:  Hospitalization ID (primary key), Patient ID, Date of admission, Primary diagnosis, First co-morbidity Diagnosis, Second co-morbidity Diagnosis, Third co-morbidity Diagnosis, Fourth co-morbidity Diagnosis, Fifth co-morbidity Diagnosis.  Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. The table is in Normal form.

  2. A single record is used to list all co-morbidities.

  3. A patient can have more than one hospitalization

  4. All of the above

  5. None of the above



Question 71:  A database designer has organized a database with three tables:  Patient contact information, Provider's information and Visits.  All three tables have the Patient Medical Record number as their primary key.  In this manner, it is clear what the medical record number was for a visit, which providers worked on the medial record number and which patient was involved.  Is this design reasonable?
a) Yes
b) No the tables should be combined as they are all about the same entity
c) No mental health is functionally dependent on physical health
d) Yes as long as the clinic has both mental and physical health visits
e) No, the primary key in each table should uniquely define the records in that table