George Mason University

 EHR-Based Patient Safety 

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Assigned Reading


Instruction for Submission of Assignments: Assignments should be submitted directly on Blackboard.  In rare situations assignments can be sent directly by email to the instructor. Submission should follow these rules:

  1. Submit your answers in a Jupyter Notebook Download► YouTube► Slides►
  2. Submit you answers in Blackboard.

Question 1: In the large data available to you, measure the extent of accidental puncture or laceration safety indicator. The Patient Safety Index is measured based on the ratio of a numerator (number of patients with accidental puncture) to a denominator (number of patients with a variety of diseases and procedures).

  1. Count the numerator and denominator in our claims data.  The ratio is based on the unique patients that have the corresponding ICD9 codes.  Report the PSI index for the entire patient data you have access to. 
  2. List which of the items needed for calculation of the Patient Safety Index for accidental laceration are not found in our data. 
  3. Plot the relationship between accidental laceration and age of the patient at time of the accident.

Following resources may be of use in responding to question 1:

  • Definition of accidental laceration PSI Read► 
  • Administrative data needed for calculation of accidental laceration Download►



Copyright © 2021 Farrokh Alemi, Ph.D. Most recent revision 01/14/2024.  This page is part of the course on Electronic Health Record Configuration and Data Analysis.