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- Analyze data using one of the methods of health informatics program
- Review work done in prior classes
Assigned Reading
The reading material for this section of the course come from your
previous courses and depend on the method you choose to use. In analyzing response to antidepressants we use regression models:
- Make the AI advice more robust through including models for imputing missing values
Narrated slides►
- Predicting response to antidepressants
in general population
- Source Code Part 2: Adding AI Predictors, Generating Prediction, and Executing Regressions
- Reference Data Mapping File for AI Predictors
- Divya Bhavanam's Teach One on predicting from the AI system and All of Us data
- Reduce computational and memory problems in All of Us data analysis
Instruction for Submission of Assignments: Submission
should follow these rules:
- Include a statement by the project manger that submission is correct
and assignments was done on time
- Submit your answers in a Jupyter Notebook
- Submit you answers in Canvas.
Task 1: Using your All of Us database, predict response
to antidepressants among African American participants in All of Us
database. Conduct the analysis in two steps:
Describe the Population. In this step you need to
create Table 1 in your eventual report. This Table should include
the description of the population. For examples of Table 1 see
PubMed. Provide a summary of your data that includes number of
antidepressants examined, number of individuals involved, number of
antidepressants discontinued, number of days individuals followed,
number of days antidepressants continued, number of medical conditions
at baseline of use of antidepressants, number of antidepressants used
prior to baseline, experience with previous antidepressants.
Fit a Regression Model to the Response to One Antidepressant:
Create a model of direct predictors of response to antidepressants.
Include pairwise interaction of factors that predict response to
antidepressants. This may result in too many independent
variables. To reduce the number of independent variable use the
SAFE procedure, where strong rules are used to exclude some independent
variables. There may be up to 100 predictors of response to the
antidepressant. Report the intercept, the predictors coefficients,
the McFadden R-square, and any interaction term you have explored.
Predict the Predictors of Response to Antidepressant:
Regress each predictor of response to antidepressants on all other prior variables in All of Us conditions. Make sure that you create a new
database and make sure that the regression response variable is measured after all independent variables. Use LASSO regression.
Adjust hyper-parameter so that you will have about 10 predictors of the regression response variable. Report the intercept. Report the
unstandardized regression coefficients. Report McFadden R-square and discard regression with low R-square. In this task you may
have to repeatedly do different regressions, please allocate sufficient time to complete it. This is best done using SQL
to drop irrelevant variables using SAFE rule.
Task 2: Write the method section of your final project report
Write the result section of your final project report.