Open Online Courses of Health Administration & Policy Program

HAP 464 
  819 Advanced Statistics
HAP 719 Advanced Statistics Me Again Meds Antidepressant Selector
Antidepressant Selector

The above are partial list of open online courses prepared by Farrokh Alemi, PhD.  This content is provided free of charge.  Faculty, at various universities, are encouraged to use portion of these courses (with or without a link back to the course) in preparing course material for their own students.  For details of each course, the syllabus of the course and the lectures within the course, click on related link and examine "About the course" page.  The open courses include the following:

  1. HAP 725 Statistical Process Control
  2. HAP 436 Quality Improvement with EHR
  3. HAP 464 EHR Configuration and Data Analysis
  4. HAP 730 Decision Analysis
  5. HAP 709 Healthcare Databases
  6. HAP 360 Health Information Systems
  7. Project Management
  8. Risk Analysis
  9. Health Data Integration
  10. Online Marketing of Health Services
  11. HAP 290 Lifestyle Management
  12. HAP 823 Comparative Effectiveness
  13. HAP 719 Statistics for Healthcare Managers
  14. HAP 819 Advanced Statistics
  15. Rethinking depression management Slides
  16. Proposal on antidepressants Read

For more information contact Farrokh Alemi, Ph.D.

Health Informatics Program
Department of Health Administration and Policy